A photo of four-year-old Axel who went missing today. Photo / Supplied
A young boy has been reported missing from the Tolaga Bay area north of Gisborne this afternoon.
Gisborne police are seeking sightings of 4-year-old Axel who was last seen wearing a blue shirt with palm trees on it and blue gumboots with sharks on them.
Axel is believed to be on foot with a miniature white fluffy dog.
Police and Axel’s family have concerns for his safety.
Search and Rescue have been notified and are expected to help look for the pre-schooler.
If you have seen Axel, or have any information which may assist, please phone police on 111 and quote event number P046388324.
Tolaga Bay is a small town in a rugged and remote area 45km northeast of Gisborne.

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