Twenty people are dead and 49 hospitalised after an overpass carrying Mexico City metro train cars partially collapsed onto a road, authorities have said. 

  • Twenty people have died, including some minors, says Mexico City’s Mayor
  • Rescue efforts were paused shortly due to the risk that more metro cars could fall
  • The Metro 12 line that runs over the collapsed overpass was built almost a decade ago

A video on local channel Milenio TV showed the structure plummeting onto a stream of cars near Olivos station in the southeast of the city around 10:30pm (local time), sending up clouds of dust and rubble.
Authorities said rescue efforts for potential survivors were paused shortly after the accident because of the risk that more of the metro overpass and train cars could fall onto the road.
Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said 20 people were killed, including some minors, and 49 people were hospitalised. 
Ms Sheinbaum said on Twitter: “Unfortunately there are dead and injured people. I am on site supporting the installation of the command centre.”
The city’s Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection Agency initially put the toll at 13 and 70 people injured.
The Metro 12 line that runs over the collapsed overpass was built almost a decade ago when Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard was mayor of Mexico City.
“What happened today with the Metro is a terrible tragedy. My solidarity with the victims and their families,” Mr Ebrard said on Twitter.
“Of course, the causes must be investigated and responsibilities defined. I reiterate I am at the disposal of authorities to help in whatever is necessary.”

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