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Ahh, remember travelling? Granted, travel is only just starting to kick back off domestically, but after a year of being cooped up inside my own house, even the thought of a trip to Sydney has me excited.
So what better excuse to splash out on some new tech that will make your travelling experience safe and seamless so you can focus on, you know, having fun?
We’ve rounded up our top picks for must-have safety gadgets, whether you’re travelling for work or pleasure.
Portable Door Lock
This little gadget is great if you’re staying in a hotel or Airbnb and want to be extra sure no one can get in. It’s really cheap for that extra peace of mind:
Portable Door Lock: $7.95
Luggage Leash
Don’t be that idiot who has to wait around the airport after your bag has ended up on the wrong flight. You can one-up the airline crew by chucking a Luggage Leash tracker in your suitcase.
This handy device uses crowd-sourced bluetooth GPS tracking to locate your bag, whether you left it in the back of an Uber, or if it ended up on the other side of the country.
Luggage Leash -$43.86
Personal Safety Alarm
Honestly, this one isn’t just for travelling. If you’re walking alone at night, or even enjoy going for runs on your own, you should chuck one of these on your keys.
For roughly $10, this alarm drops a 120-130 decibel noise and emits a flashing light that will alert those around you if you need help, and likely scare off any attackers.
These devices are cheap, discreet and super compact, so there’s really no reason not to pick one up. You never know when it could come in handy.
Avnhvas – Personal Safety Alarm – $11.09
Portable Door Alarm
If you’re travelling on the reg, or in areas that aren’t particularly secure, a portable door alarm is a must-have.
They’re super simple to set up, and will wake you (and everyone around you) up with a super loud noise if someone tries to break into your room while you’re asleep.
Warning: you might want to give this a miss if you’re bunking with somebody who is likely to come home drunk at 3am, unless you want a rude awakening.
Doberman Security – SE-0203 Portable Travel Anti-Theft Door Alarm – $32.70
Privacy Protection Luggage Tags
While this one isn’t super tech-savvy, it’s an important one: privacy bag tags.
Obviously, you need to be able to identify your bag, and have it returned to you if it gets lost. However, you don’t necessarily want every Tom, Dick and Harry at baggage claim knowing your full name, phone number and address, do you?
Something as simple as covering your information with a tag can make a huge difference if somebody is trying to find your personal information. Sure, they can open it and take a look, but this is far less discreet and you’ll likely notice them doing it.
Haundry – Leather Privacy Protection Luggage Tags – 4 Pack – $17.99
Get Yourself This Suitcase That’s Smarter Than Me
Smart suitcases have been banned by most airlines for safety issues relating to batteries, which is such a disappointment because some of the designs were extremely cool.
However, this suitcase from July is about as smart as they come without being banned by airlines.
For $375, the suitcase comes with an ejectable battery that is neatly hidden away so you won’t lose it. It also comes with a detachable laptop sleeve, which is perfect for in-flight work.
You can read our full review here.
July – Carry On Pro Suitcase – $375
Well, duh. If you’re using a public wifi network (which you often do while travelling, unless you’re Richie Rich and have a million gigabytes of data to chew through), use a VPN. It’s such a simple and affordable way to protect yourself from hackers on a public network.
Seriously. Use a VPN.
Express VPN – $99.95/year

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