Did you feel the earth tremble a little at around 4 am on Thursday morning?
If so, then you’re not alone.
Many Durban and some Pietermaritzburg residents took to social media on Thursday morning to share and ask others if they also felt the earth tremor.
The country woke up to news that while most of them were sleeping, an earth tremor rocked Durban. 
According to Volcano Discovery, they received unconfirmed reports of a tremor 34km northeast of Pietermaritzburg at 4.01am.
“Our monitoring service AllQuakes received reports of an earthquake in or near Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa at around 02:03 GMT. Unless confirmed by at least one national or international seismological agency, its status remains unconfirmed.
“There are no details yet on the magnitude or depth of this earthquake. We expect more accurate data to emerge in the next few minutes. The location and magnitude mentioned are indicative and temporary until the AllQuakes monitoring service receives more exact scientific data from a national or international seismological agency. Check back here shortly ad stay safe,” they said in a post online.
Cogta MEC calls for calm after reports of earth tremor
The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC, Sipho Hlomuka, has called for calm following reports that were received by the Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC), of an earth tremor in or near Durban.
“We are calling upon our communities to remain calm while these claims are being verified. Reports we’ve receive so far from our Disaster Management teams indicate that no major incident has occurred as a result of the alleged seismic activity”
MEC Hlomuka has tasked the PDMC to work with the Council for Geo Sciences in confirming specific details about this reported incident.
The province has in the past experienced seismic activity.
Guys everything just shook for few seconds ..was that earthquake in Durban?
— ?Valeh? (@realvovo) June 17, 2021

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