Cancer patients are vulnerable to Covid-19 which leads to high morbidity and mortality in them. To avoid getting infected with Coronavirus, it is of utmost importance that cancer patients get vaccinated, said Dr Suhas Agre, Medical Oncologist, ACI Cumballa Hill Hospital. Mumbai.
In India, the total number of cancer cases in men is estimated to be 6,79,421 in 2020, and it is estimated to reach 7,63,575 in 2025, according to ICMR’s report and the Bengaluru-based National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research.
As per the report, among women, the total number of cancer cases is estimated to be 7,12,758 in 2020 and likely to reach 8,06,218 in 2025. Breast cancer (2,38,908) is expected to be the most common site of cancer in 2025, followed by cancer in the lung (1,11,328) and mouth (90,060). Unawareness, late presentation, and lack of timely treatment have made cancer the most dreaded disease. Moreover, many cancer patients are avoiding treatment during pandemic.
Effects of COVID 19 on Cancer Patients
Having cancer can raise your chances of severe illness from COVID-19, said Dr Agre in a statement. He explained, “Those taking chemotherapy has lowered blood counts and is immunosuppressed and more vulnerable to Covid-19 disease. Cancer tends to depress the body’s immune system, and more cancer patients are older which is also a risk factor for Covid. Since COVID-19 can attack the lungs and invite acute respiratory failure, people with lung cancer are at an increased risk of contracting Covid infection, as their lung function is already compromised. Not only this, some advanced cancers impact organ function, such as lung or kidney function. With reduced organ function, people find it difficult to fight Covid infection.”
Covid-19 vaccination a must for cancer patients
Dr Agre underscored that it is very important for cancer patients to get vaccinated to avoid getting infected with Coronavirus. Most experts recommend vaccination as long as the vaccine is safe for use, even if the expected protection rate in cancer patients may be lower than the general population.
In addition, people with cancer should follow the Covid protocol of masking, social distancing, and hand sanitizing to stay safe during the pandemic. Likewise, embrace a healthy lifestyle to stay healthy during the pandemic.

  • Wash hands regularly or use a hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Maintain a safe distance and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
  • Don’t go to crowded places and don’t be around sick people.
  • Be in touch with your doctor via teleconsultation and step out only for hospital visits but ensure proper care.
  • Stay active at home and do low-impact exercises like walking or aerobics as the doctor’s suggestion.
  • Eat home-cooked food that includes all the essential nutrients, and avoids junk, oily, spicy, processed, and canned food.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke, and get a sound sleep at night to stay stress-free.

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