On Sunday, CBS will broadcast a two-hour interview between the majestic ceremonial figurehead of the United States, Oprah Winfrey, and two nonworking members of the British royal family. Heres what you dont need to know, but might care to find out anyway.
On television, Sunday, March 7, at 8 p.m. Eastern on CBS. (It will be broadcast on ITV in Britain on Monday, March, 8 at 9 p.m.)
The same way she overcame childhood poverty in rural Mississippi to become the worlds first Black female billionaire: time, effort and a surfeit of natural charisma. In a video clip released on Friday, Oprah recalls that she first called Meghan to propose an interview in February or March 2018. According to The Times of London, the two met in person that March when Oprah found herself in London, as one does, and was invited by Meghan to meet her at Kensington Palace, as one is.
In April, Oprah invited Meghans mother, Doria Ragland, to her home for lunch and yoga. Approximately two months of acquaintance was enough to earn Oprah an invitation to Meghan and Harrys wedding.

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