HEARTBROKEN Ashley Cain revealed that it was his daughter Azaylia’s last night in hospital – hours after admitting the tot could only have “days to live”.
Yesterday, the 30-year-old revealed doctors found more tumours and have run out of options to save his eight-month-old daughter, who is battling a rare form of leukaemia.
Ashley Cain revealed it was his daughter’s last night in hospital yesterdayCredit: Ashley Cain/Instagram
In light of the devastating news, Ashley continued to update his almost one million followers on his baby daughter’s devastating condition.
Taking to his Instagram Stories, the reality TV star shared a short video of him sweetly kissing his little one’s head in her hospital bed as they prepare to bring her home.
He heartbreakingly penned across the clip: “Last night in hospital before we take you home baby”.
His social media post comes hours after Ashley said little Azaylia’s only option was palliative care after doctors revealed they have run out of options to save her life.
The star revealed doctors the tot, who is battling a rare form of leukaemia, could only have ‘days to live’Credit: Ashley Cain/Instagram
In a heartbreaking Instagram video, Ashley said: “So last week we had the bone marrow test and the lumber puncture and bloods taken to send to Singapore in the hope that they could create therapy to save Azaylia’s life.
“Then we had to have a CT scan on her head and the results came back the next day to say she’s got two very big tumours on her brain.
“They also said that the chemotherapy that is usually given to treat leukaemia in the spine or the brain will not be available because she has too much pressure with these tumours.
“If they tried to go through the spinal tap it would kill her. At that point our world came down.
Ashley updated fans on his little girl’s devastating diagnosis last night
Doctors have found tumours all over the little girl’s body including two big ones on her brain
“Consultants said that they think she’s only got one, two days to live, it could even be that night.”
Ashley and his girlfriend Safiyya took their little girl home and they made it through the next two nights before deciding to take her off her pain relief as she “wasn’t really here properly”.
The decision saw Azaylia brighten up immediately, and the family renewed their hopes that they could get her to Singapore for treatment.
Ashley and his girlfriend Safiyya had hoped they could find a treatment that would save their daughter
However, more bad news was to follow as the couple were told yesterday that doctors in Singapore would not be able to do the treatment as her disease is too rare, leaving them out of options.
He said through tears: “We had a scan yesterday and the results came back today that they found tumours in her stomach and spleen, her lungs and her kidneys as well as the tumours in her brain and the chemotherapy is not working.
“Her disease is that aggressive that nothing that they are doing, nothing is working.
Azaylia has an extremely rare form of leukeamia which doctors in Singapore are unable to treat
“And then to make it worse, consultants got an email from Singapore and because Azaylia is one in a trillion – she literally is she’s so special – but unfortunately so is her disease, so in Singapore they can’t create what they need to treat her leukaemia.”
Ashley added in the Instagram video that they had taken her home again to enjoy any remaining time they have with her.
He said emotionally: “For the last part of her life I just want to take her home. See her like a baby and give her the best rest of her life ever.”
He added that he needed to “step up” for his daughter and “be strong” as she “needs to see her daddy smiling.”
He said: “We are going to be strong and we are going to go out with honour.”
The devastating news comes after the couple had managed to raise over £1 million in less than 24 hours in a bid to get their daughter treated in Singapore.
Ashley Cain reveals his baby daughter could only have days to live after doctors find more tumours and run out of options to save her life

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