An eight-month-old baby boy from upstate Baldwinsville, NY, is the youngest person in the world to receive two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.Vincenzo “Enzo” Mincolla got his second jab Wednesday as part of a clinical trial being conducted by Upstate Medical University, reported.
The hospital is one of four sites in the US testing the Pfizer vaccine in children under age five.
The US is the only country conducting such tests right now.
The US federal government approved Pfizer’s shots for kids as young as 12 on Wednesday.
Enzo is one of 16 infants at the four sites participating in phase one of the trial that includes kids ages six months two 2 years old.
The baby got his first shot three weeks ago, before reaching eight months old.
Dr Joseph Domashowske, a paediatric infectious disease doctor conducting the trial, told the outlet he was the youngest recipient. There are five other babies participating in the Upstate trial.
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Enzo’s parents, Mike and Marissa Mincolla, are doctors.
“We both feel it’s important to end this pandemic, and the quickest and safest way is to vaccinate our way out of it,” Mike Mincolla said.
They had no qualms about giving the baby the shots, he said. Enzo slept and ate well, was not irritable and did not experience any side effects after either jab.
Dr Mincolla said he had told vaccination-hesitant patients that he let his son get a shot.
Pfizer has temporarily halted the trial to determine if the infants are getting the correct dose, Domashowske said.
“The concern is the dose may be too low for that age group,” he said.
“That’s because all the babies tolerated the vaccine well without any side effects.”
This story originally appeared on the New York Post and is reproduced here with permission

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