Recovery from viral illness takes a while and with a disease of magnitude as severe as COVID-19, which has been shown to impact many internal organs as well as mental health, return back to normalcy can take some while, especially if a person has battled severe disease or required intensive hospitalization.
In cases of severe infection, viral inflammation can cause extensive damage to important organs such as the lungs and the chest. Not only do patients require the use of external oxygenation to facilitate breathing, resuming normal lung function can take a while as there can be a high level of involvement and inflammation as well. Immunity, after fighting the virus can also be compromised, or for those with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, frail health and immunity can prolong recovery timelines as well. Thus, some people can experience COVID-19 symptoms for months on at a stretch, be in chronic pain and take a long while to recover from COVID-19.
For those fighting post-COVID complications, such as mucormycosis (black fungus infection), avascular necrosis and other such conditions, additional treatment may be required, which can further extend recovery odds and impact health.
Factors like age, comorbidities, severe disease battle and complications can also affect recovery timelines.

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