Rob Holding has reacted moments after Arsenal announced their decision to withdraw from the European Super League.
The last 48 hours have been dominated by the talk of the breakaway league, with six Premier League clubs signing a letter of intent to participate in the controversial idea.
The Gunners, Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City and Manchester United were the English sides that initially confirmed they would be involved in Florentino Perez’s new competition.
However, every single one of those clubs announced on Tuesday evening that they would be withdrawing from those proposals – with Arsenal issuing an apology to supporters.
The Super League proposal would have meant that the north London club would no longer be able to qualify for the UEFA Champions League.
But that won’t be the case now and the announcement has come as brilliant news to Gunners supporters – and the majority of football fans in the country.
Holding took to Instagram to share his delight, with the centre-back playing the official Champions League anthem on the piano.
The social media story was captioned: “Just abit (sic) of fun.”
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The power of players, managers and especially supporters was really highlighted by the actions over the past 48 hours.
Hector Bellerin was the first Arsenal player to come out in protest of the plans, before the club had even announced their decision to withdraw.
The Spanish full-back posted a picture on his Twitter account featuring his former manager Arsene Wenger alongside a quote from the Frenchman that read: “To all of the Arsenal lovers take care of the values of the club. My love and support forever.”

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